How Envision Group Helps Mission-Driven Brands Launch Into Non-Traditional Retail
Non-traditional retail venues such as offices, sporting arenas, and schools offer brands unique opportunities to connect with engaged audiences. However, navigating this distribution channel can be a challenge for emerging brands. Fortunately, Compass USA, one of the largest food service companies in the world, has developed solutions to help these brands navigate this complex distribution channel with its Envision Group and Retail Incubator program.
In this Q&A with ECRM’s Wayne Benett, Ann Pendleton, SVP of Compass USA and a key leader of the Envision Group, shares valuable insights into how the company operates, and how emerging, mission-driven brands can break into these non-traditional channels and thrive.
Watch the full video interview here!RangeMe: Can you give us an overview of Compass USA and your role within the organization?
Pendleton: Compass USA is one of the world’s largest food service companies, but we’re not a consumer-facing brand, so not everyone knows us by name. We operate behind the scenes, providing food and beverage solutions in places like schools, hospitals, corporate offices, and sporting venues. Essentially, wherever people work, play, study, or receive care, we’re there making sure they have a great food experience.
My role is with the Envision Group, which …