Alright, So Let’s talk about Keisha. She’s the CEO. THEE C.E.O. of Brass Tacks Collective. She’s my first guest who started her agency with the full intention of becoming an AGENCY. She gives us a good look at what the hiring process looks like, business growing pains, discovering your team & bringing people up with you as the company grows.

Eff the Glitter…

So many times we concentrate on a transaction value instead of the lifetime value of a customer.

When I worked in the coffeehouse business, we were trying to come up with a way to show franchisees and their employees that we didn’t have the luxury of a bad customer service experience.

We needed to show them that customers who walked in once, but didn’t come back, represented far more than that one drink.

And it had to be meaningful and based on fact.

The Retail Doctor Blog…

So far, each season, there’s one guest who is a kindred spirit of mine & this season it’s Missy. She was practically Raised in the AUC IN THE PRINT SHOP – she tried to buck the system and go to Mass Comm in college, but still came back full circle to Graphic Design & Branding. In our conversation with Missy, we learn that being a creative & being a creative business are two different things. A piece of advice she gives during our interview is to make use of all of your networking opportunities.

Eff the Glitter…

Trust. It’s a big topic when it comes to customers.

After experiencing a pandemic that broke our trust that the government could keep us safe, that the healthcare industry could keep us safe, and even that a family member could not bring home something that could kill us, we all must rebuild trust.

Now that might be an odd thing to read when I’m writing about sustainable retail or circular packaging options, or using RFID tags and yet trust is what brings these retail trends all together.

We’ve all seen those bins for years encouraging us to separate waste and recycle, but do we trust what is done with those items once they leave our sight?

The Retail Doctor Blog…

As someone who has always been a creative all my life, Chimere has also. She discusses how she started off looking to get into mass media & fell into Graphic Design. We talk about Graphic Designer Ghosts & how it haunts us & our clients. Meet this Jersey girl who is now in H-TOWN & has worked with some major brands in helping them define their messaging.

Eff the Glitter…