It’s CHANDRA!!!! Ya’ll I connected with this queen almost immediatley. Like… there’s no other way to describe how our conversation just FLOWED!!! She is a Business Coach, Manager, and a PR Agent- Simply put, she does it all & she does it well! Make sure to listen to her episode for this week on Eff the Glitter.⁠

Eff the Glitter…

This Week on Eff the Glitter I had the pleasure of speaking with digital marketing expert Kelli Kelley! Her candid story about banging it out, then having a baby & then loosing her way & then finding herself again is the story that A LOT of us share! Learn more about The Brnd Method & Kelli Kelley In this week’s episode!

Eff the Glitter…

How Much Do You Remember From Working Retail?

Those who started working in retail these past 18 months will someday look back and remember well the long days of mask-wearing, belligerent employees, safe social distancing, and much more that marked this time.

The Retail Doctor Blog…

So… This episode was a retake. LOL! like for real! our first conversation was great & we were rolling through it only to see that the first half of the conversation DIDN’T RECORD!!! April’s sweet soul was kind enough to re-record the episode with me & This is what we got! we kind og stayed on the “outline” but then the conversation became a bit more candid! Check out April Grant!

Eff the Glitter…

SalesRX Customer Success Story: Rebecca Wierda from Leigh’s

“I can’t remember the last time that I have received so many phone calls and emails from customers saying what an exceptional experience they had at Leigh’s. I feel that the training was a huge part of that. Our salespeople are now more confident when they are working with customers, and they are making those real personal connections.”


The Retail Doctor Blog…