This week’s episode Feature’s Allysen Kerr! She’s a Graphic Design & Branding Specialist in Tampa Florida & she’s followed the path of a lot of us have taken as entrepreneurs (we were “pushed” into our destiny). I really enjoyed speaking with Allysen & I hope you enjoy listening to her Growth & check her out at

Eff the Glitter…

This week was special. All i can say was this week was especially fun & she’s a fellow LEO!! WOOT WOOT #leogang. Anywho, Sharon is the owner of the Content Planning Company located in Canada. She’s rocking it out on instagram and Facebook, helping us Entrepreneurs plan and implement our content on social media. You can learn more about her on our website!

Eff the Glitter…

“We would always have a sales meeting, but it was never as structured as it is now. SalesRX gives you a format for your sales meeting. Everybody feels this, camaraderie or transformation. Everybody wants to do better. They are running the numbers and are keeping track of how we are doing.”


The Retail Doctor Blog…

So… Normally i release my episodes on Wednesday, but i decided to change things up and turn friday into “eff it up Friday” So… This friday, the woman entreneur creative effing it up is my business bestie and massage mogul Tai Hall. Not only does she train other massage therapists to be a beast in their profession, but she helps them market their businesses in creative and unconventional ways. Find her episode here at!!

Eff the Glitter…

Have you heard of the runaway success of the burger franchise Five Guys?

What’s one of the big reasons Five Guys has been wildly successful? They send mystery shoppers out twice a week to all locations. The brothers who run the operation also constantly visit the restaurants.

The Retail Doctor Blog…