How to Create a Landing Page Design That Converts (2022)
There’s no question that the humble landing page is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. Capturing leads, building trust, and generating conversions—great landing pages yield positive results for marketers at every stage of the buyer’s journey.
But not every landing page creates such positive outcomes. Busy, messy, and downright bad-looking pages fail to capture visitors’ attention, while poorly written copy does little to mitigate their disinterest. The average conversion rate of a landing page stands at 26%, but most pages capture just 10% of the visitors they get (if that). Clearly, it takes more than luck to design a high-converting landing page.
So what’s the secret sauce for high-octane success? An excellent page design. Following the gold standard of design has the potential to kick conversions into hyperdrive, capturing more leads, drawing sustained interest, and achieving the coveted 26% benchmark.
Let’s explore the steps of creating a great landing page design, including some examples from successful ecommerce brands.
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What is a landing page design?
Any online webpage that provides information about a product or service is called a landing page. These homepages, category pages, and …