17 Best Marketing Books To Read in 2023
Any business owner can (or at least should) tell you that a solid marketing strategy is an absolutely crucial part of any successful business. But the problem is, it’s hard to know which strategies will work in any given circumstance.
That’s why marketing books are so useful. They can open your eyes to whole new worlds of theories, perspectives, and stories. They can help you build an arsenal of knowledge that’s diverse, comprehensive, and actionable. They can fill the gaps you don’t even know you have.
So which are the best marketing books to start with? Glad you asked.

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17 best marketing books out there
1. Buyology — Martin Lindstrom
What motivates customers to buy? This is a pivotal question for successful marketing. As a business owner, you’ll never make a sale if you don’t know why anyone would buy your products or services. This book is based on Martin Lindstrom’s neuro-marketing study, diving into concepts like religion, superstition, rituals, and the senses, and how these elements influence people’s buying habits.
2. How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age — Dale Carnegie
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