Camille Davis is a PR Specialist located in the DMV!!! (My hometown). We talked about what a PR agent does, Why your business needs one AND about self care & how important it is for an entrepreneur to set boundaries & in essence, train their clients & manage expectations. I enjoyed listening to this episode even the second time around!

Eff the Glitter…

It’s CHANDRA!!!! Ya’ll I connected with this queen almost immediatley. Like… there’s no other way to describe how our conversation just FLOWED!!! She is a Business Coach, Manager, and a PR Agent- Simply put, she does it all & she does it well! Make sure to listen to her episode for this week on Eff the Glitter.⁠

Eff the Glitter…

This Week on Eff the Glitter I had the pleasure of speaking with digital marketing expert Kelli Kelley! Her candid story about banging it out, then having a baby & then loosing her way & then finding herself again is the story that A LOT of us share! Learn more about The Brnd Method & Kelli Kelley In this week’s episode!

Eff the Glitter…

So… This episode was a retake. LOL! like for real! our first conversation was great & we were rolling through it only to see that the first half of the conversation DIDN’T RECORD!!! April’s sweet soul was kind enough to re-record the episode with me & This is what we got! we kind og stayed on the “outline” but then the conversation became a bit more candid! Check out April Grant!

Eff the Glitter…