What Is a DUNS Number and What Is It Used For?
You may have heard of DUNS numbers, but if you aren’t sure what they are or what they are used for, you have come to the right place. It seems like to run a business these days, there are endless requisites or options that help your business run smoother, and a DUNS number is one of them.
Businesses of any size will benefit from obtaining a DUNS number, as there are a number of advantages to having one. For starters, lenders and business partners will view your business as more credible if you have a valid DUNS number. They are helpful for businesses and business owners working to acquire loans or funding, or attract new customers or business partnerships.
Additionally, a DUNS number is important if you want to access certain financial information databases which are only available to DUNS number holders.
These numbers are also beneficial for protecting your identity in the marketplace and getting access to better opportunities for growth on an international scale.
Learn more about this important business tool below and why it may be beneficial to get one for your business.
What Is a DUNS Number?
Simply put, a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number, sometimes stylized …