Unlocking the Secrets to Effective CPG Advertising that Delivers Results
In our previous column, you learned how to successfully move inventory and the strategies you can use to optimize your placement. In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of advertising! We’ll break down the different types of advertising, why they’re important, and the secrets you need to know to get the attention of top retail buyers.
Let’s get started!
The importance of advertising
Advertising plays a crucial role in CPG marketing. This is highlighted in the fact that “roughly 23% of CPG companies’ budgets were devoted to marketing efforts in early 2023,” making it the highest share of ad expenditures among all U.S. industries.
Overall, advertising in any form serves three primary purposes:
Inform Persuade RemindAdvertising also works to serve several strategic functions because it:
Differentiates your product in a saturated market Builds brand recognition & loyalty Drives sales & market share gains Educates others on your products’ benefits & uses Establishes and reinforces your brand imageWhen it comes to CPG marketing, advertising helps inform consumers and retail buyers about your brand and exists as a platform to educate people about the benefits it provides. It allows you to make a more intimate and emotional connection …