What To Look for in Your UPS and FedEx Contract

UPS and FedEx contracts are complex and confusing. That’s by design. The details of your carrier contract can make a huge difference in your total shipping costs. For most businesses, shipping is one of the biggest expenses. It’s also one of the most challenging to predict and control since the parcel and freight shipping world is an ever-changing landscape with carriers able to add fees and change your costs at will. With shipping rates at an all-time high, too many are unknowingly being overcharged by their carrier. 

The secrets behind shipping costs

We’ll uncover a few hard truths about shipping with UPS and FedEx. The reality is the UPS/FedEx duopoly dominates parcel shipping. There are other players in the game like regional carriers, the USPS, and postal consolidators, but the “big two” still dominate the market share for parcel deliveries in the United States (excluding Amazon’s in-house deliveries). 

The "Big Two" Parcel Carriers

Without competition, there’s no transparency. And without transparency into your shipping data, you lack the visibility and insight necessary to make cost-saving shipping decisions. 

There are a few reasons why UPS and FedEx customers are overcharged:

FedEx and UPS can increase their rates without notice (peak surcharges) It’s challenging to understand what…

25 Best Travel Jobs to Make Money Traveling the World

Where have you always wanted to go? 

Perhaps Egypt? How about Peru? Or maybe Paris? Wherever it is, jobs that allow you to travel can take you there.

But which travel jobs are best for you?

If you’re wondering how to travel and work abroad, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore 25 jobs for people who like to travel.

But first, let’s take a quick look at four types of travel jobs.

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4 types of travel jobs

There are many different ways to travel while working. All of the travel jobs listed in this article fall into one of the following categories:

Digital nomad jobs Jobs that pay to travel Expats working and traveling abroad Backpacker jobs

Some types of travel jobs require a high level of expertise, and some aren’t as flexible as others. However, they all give you the means to cover some (or all) of your travel expenses.

So, what’s the difference, and which one’s best for you?

1. Digital nomad jobs

Digital nomads are people who travel while working online. As a result, digital nomad jobs provide an enormous amount of flexibility

10 Tips for Emerging Brands to Navigate Distribution Success
Fiona Lee and Larissa Russell

You’ve scaled your production, cultivated your unique branding, and grown your presence in the Consumer Packaged Goods world. Now, you’re ready to boost your sales, visibility, and reach through nationwide distribution. Where do you begin? How do you find the right distributor?

There are a few key factors to keep in mind as you kick-start a launch into retailers nationwide. The experiences we’ve had growing our Pod Foods platform have taught us a number of lessons that we’re thrilled to share with others who are looking to grow their own emerging brands. Consider the following ten factors to ensure a strong, enjoyable, and cost-effective partnership with your distributor:

1) Prioritize transparency               

It is critical to select the right distributor for your expanding business and to determine a transparent and reliable platform that will work as hard as you do to get your products placed. Prioritize the distributor that delivers the most insightful look into your company’s sales, inventory, shipments, and analytics, as these metrics help support your retailer relationships.

Additionally, keep in mind that efficiency is paramount in this industry. Emerging brands rarely have surplus cash to waste on supply chain inefficiencies, so make your distribution partner aware of …

Making Sense of Scents: A Look at the Fragrance Industry

The scent of roses takes me back to my childhood garden, while frying bacon transports me to my grandmother’s kitchen.

Of the five senses, smell is our sense most closely tied to memory. More perfumiers are catering to that, with personalized fragrances and a new generation of perfumes targeted at today’s shoppers.

Scents remain popular with consumers. According to a 2021 Mintel report, Fragrance Trends in Beauty, 51% of American respondents wear perfume even when they’re not leaving the house, and 62% use fragrance to boost their mood.

Personalized perfume

Some perfumiers are offering quizzes to help customers select scents. Most of Pinrose’s customers opt to take the company’s online quiz, says Nancy Shalek, CEO. It was developed with scientists and the company regularly analyzes quiz results to ensure customers like what it predicts for them and often updates the quiz to keep it relevant based on consumer feedback.

Katrina Sellers launched Jules & Vetiver because she was tired of seeing mass-market perfumes “marketed the same way they have been for decades: with fancy, expensive-to-produce custom bottles, celebrity endorsements, flashy ads. It’s focused on selling an image, and almost no attention is paid to what’s in the bottle.”

Jules & Vetiver

But customer …

How to Create a Coming Soon Page in 2022

You have a brilliant new website idea that’s not quite ready to launch. But you still want to build hype and let people know the awesomeness that’s coming. The solution: a coming soon page. 

A coming soon page, also called a pre-launch page, is a type of landing page that explains the concept, offers a way to get in touch, and encourages people to spread the word. It can be a catalyst for a successful launch of a new brand, product, or product line.

In this article, we’ll dissect the anatomy of an effective coming soon page and how you can use it to build buzz for your upcoming site. We’ll also share a few examples that you can use as landing page templates for your own pre-launch page. 

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What is a coming soon page? 

A coming soon page gives people an overview of your upcoming product or service. It’s meant to pique interest and help you build a customer base before launching. A well-designed coming soon page incites excitement, attracts visitors to your email list, and amplifies your reach via word of mouth

A coming soon page isn’t

One of the most intriguing coverages you may hear about in business insurance is inland marine insurance. While it has nothing to do with the sea, it has everything to do with protecting the stuff you use in your day-to-day business activities. 

Inland marine insurance is a first-party coverage. A majority of the policies you use to insure your business can help in the case of your business or product causing damage or inflicting injuries—but what if something damages the equipment you need to run your business? That’s where inland marine insurance may be able to help you. 

What is inland marine insurance? 

Also known as business personal property insurance, inland marine is a type of insurance for the tools, equipment, and other types of moveable property you use to run your business—while on the job or being transported across land. If an insured item is stolen or damaged, your insurance policy may help you repair or replace the item. 

Who uses inland marine insurance? 

If you regularly transport property or store it away from your primary business location, you should consider adding inland marine insurance to your business insurance plan. 

Inland marine insurance is often used by businesses who: …